Monday, June 30, 2008


Today Logan and I met up with Tito Jason and Tito Tom. We had a nice afternoon walking around the Royal Ontario Museum.

The last time I was at the Museum was back in January with my nephew and baby Logan in my tummy.



Sunday, June 29, 2008

African Lion Safari

On the weekend we went to African Lion Safari with my parents. Basically the animals run around on the reserve and the visitors stay caged in their cars and drive through. Logan seemed to like it.

Then later that night we had family over for 'Fight Night' since there was a Manny Pacquiao fight on.Since it has recently been confirmed that Allan and I are 'geezers', my niece and nephew took it upon themselves to help me be more hip. They told me to listen to Jordin Sparks and signed me up for a Millsberry account...which personally I don't think is as good as Habbo (Killer Beez for life, yo!).
Caprii told me that my time could be better spent riding on the back of Polka, her dinosaur. We could both wear crowns and have a sleepover party at her castle -which is at the end of the rainbow, of course.
Later that night my Dad tried to rock out with us, proving that we're not that old....

Friday, June 27, 2008

Nature Walk

It was less humid today so Logan and I went on a 'nature walk'. It was the first time being in the stroller without the car seat. What a big boy!

Picture Perfect

After 'singable stories' play group yesterday, Logan and I hung out in the A/C. He gets really confused when people talk to him on the phone so I thought I'd show him some photos to see what his reaction would be...

I love you!

I've been trying to teach Logan to say "I love you". He's trying...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Logan Rolls Deep!

Yesterday Logan rolled over onto his side for the first time. I've also realized that I have a "mom" voice now. :P

And yesterday also marked the first time Logan sat in a High Chair.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cultural Exchanges

Logan and I came across this site, "gimmie your stuff". You swap little packages with people around the world and a get a peek into their culture. I think this is a great idea and a fun little thing to do with Logan. At the end of our walks we always stop at the mail box and get the mail and I show him what we got -- "a bill for daddy, ohhh a flyer for pizza, another bill for daddy..." Perhaps this will make the stops at the mail box a bit more exciting. I use to have a bunch of pen pals when I was a kid and loved trading little packages of surprises. I'm hoping that I can find some other mom's to trade things with.

As per the site, here is our list:

Scrapbook Stickers and other items
Canadian Magazines
Canadian Food and Candy!
Mixed CDs
Kids Books in English
Canadian Souvenirs
Little Toys
Clothing -something for you or your child
and best of all: SURPRISES!

Let me know if you want to swap. Also if you have a child please let me know their age.

Hopefully we can do a swap soon. I'll post pictures of what we get here and do a video of Logan learning about the country we swapped with and looking at the stuff we get. Should be fun! Stay Posted!

Gimme Your Stuff

Monday, June 23, 2008

Dancing Baby!

The last few weeks I've been putting Logan in his little jumperoo that he got from his cousin Xyris. It's given me a chance to clean his morning bottle, eat breakfast and have a cup of coffee. Normally he just looks at the lights and maybe bounces a few times. This morning he seemed to figure the whole thing out and was jumping around like crazy.

He ended up falling asleep as a result of his workout...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Cottage Weekend

Allan rented the cottage we went to last year for our two year wedding anniversary. What a difference a year can make!

It was also the first time Logan had rice cereal. At first he wasn't really sure what to make of it but he likes it now...

Logan can hold his head up really well so he can now face outwards in the baby carrier. He really enjoyed going for a little hike around the cottage.

Here is Dad showing Logan a butterfly on his toy. He seemed really interested in it.

Chilling out on the dock while Dad tells Logan about the huge fish that got away...

Ahhhh, what a great weekend!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Laundry and naps

At first Logan found it very interesting to watch me fold his laundry in front of him. However he got bored and decided to take a nap instead.

I compared this load of wash to the load when Loggie was just about two months old. I predicted that the biggest increase would be in the very versatile 'baby wash cloths' and bibs but there wasn't much of a difference.

Items that remained the same
2 fleece/fuzzy blanket
2 burp pads
2 shirts
3 pairs of socks
3 pairs of pants
5 receiving blankets

Items that increased
20 bibs (increase by 5)
29 baby wash cloths (increase by 3)
5 bath blankest (increased by 4)

Items that decreased
7 onesies (decrease by 1)
1 jumper, 1 overall, 6 pjs (listed '11 outfits and pjs' before)

New items
1 crib sheet
1 portable crib sheet
1 change table sheet
2 shorts
1 bear blanket

No change pads or mittens

Yes, I am a mother of a four month old infant and I have time to count items in his laundry. Please notify me when I can pick up my trophy.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Four Month Doctor Visit

Logan had his four month check up today!
I was concerned that he was getting his teeth in and that is why he's been waking up at night, eating less and being a bit grumpy. It turns out it's more to do with a cold....the teeth are coming but the problem at the moment to deal with is the cold. Since he is not well his four month shots are being delayed until next week.
Height: 25.2"
Weight: 15.2 lbs

Then on the way home a storm hit Markham. Is this a picture of snow in June???

Nope, it's hail!

Happy Father's Day!

Grandma and Grandpa came down to help us celebrate Daddy's first Father's Day.

One of Dad's gifts was a shirt that matched Logan's.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Cousin's School Concert

On Wednesday we went to kids school concert. It started at 7pm so we weren't sure how Logan would react since his bedtime is normally around 8pm. We crossed our fingers he wouldn't start freaking out at 7:30 for his bottle. When the show started Logan turned his head and watched the whole thing. At one point he started 'talking' because he got excited.

Waiting for the show to start.

Making faces at Uncle Al.

This group of boys were hilarious! The boy beside Kiyan got excited and had to pee so he was jumping around and holding himself. And the boy on the left in orange was a real joker and got very hyper. Soooo funny!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tito Matt, Leonard and Moxy

Tito Matt came for a visit and was surprised to see how much Logan has grown since he saw him last. Logan then got to spend the night hanging out with Dad since mommy and Tito Matt went and saw Leonard Cohen. Oh my goodness! I have a bit of a crush on him now. Truly a legend and one of the only senior citizens who is a sex symbol. Google him or youtube him if you're clueless....
Here's some pictures of Logan looking cute. His new friend is Moxy, one of the Uglydolls.