Sunday, May 30, 2010
Logan's new fun past-time is playing Rock Band with daddy --if only it had some Micheal Jackson songs!
Kiyan tried to teach the "older kids" how to ride his boogie board/skateboard thingy but apparently you have to be under 12 to be able to ride it well- or at least that was their excuse.
Logan this year wanted to run around with the other kids and had no fear of the cool water. So Daddy had a chance to go play a bit of basketball and Mommy could just sit back, relax and watch her little man run around.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
May-24 Weekend
Before heading across the boarder to join Lolo and Lola, we stopped at Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls. Logan was freaked out by the reptile room but had lots to say about it after:
"I saw snake. I saw turtle. I saw frog. Logan chicken. Logan scared. Snake. Sssssss"
"I saw snake. I saw turtle. I saw frog. Logan chicken. Logan scared. Snake. Sssssss"
Lola and Lolo thought it was hilarious that Logan was so messy eating whip-cream at dinner that night. Since we were all on vacation we let Logan stay up --he made it to about ten; about two hours past his normal bedtime.
At breakfast: Logan doesn't really care too much to draw but he loves requesting things and watching others draw it. This picture shows his typical requests: owl, turtle, snake, elephant, snowman (x4), baby snowman (x3), Mommy, Daddy, Logan, Micheal Jackson (holding Logan's hand of course).
There was a waterfall the changed colours every few seconds at the hotel. Logan loved standing by it and calling out the colours.
...and he pressed the different buttons to make sure it was full of friendship, love, and kindness. He got to pick out a fabric heart, kiss it and put it in his owl before it was sewed up.
Going for a walk with Lola