Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunday Morning Splashing

Sunday morning Mommy took Logan puddle-hopping
"That one looks pretty deep, Logan..."
"Mommy! I stuck, Mommy!"
A boot full of water and some muddy hands...

Off to the bath!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Kayla!

Saturday morning we went to Kayla's 2nd birthday party
Logan stepped up to give Kayla some pointers on how to blow out the candles...

Logan loves cooking
Logan at first couldn't climb up the ladder to the slide. But he watched the older boys do it few times --it was like he studying them -and then just went it did all by himself!

Logan in the three-level play thingy -basically like one of those gerbil activity things but for kids.

Learning the ropes with Daddy
Logan could get to this point and then would get stuck
"Help please. Help please, Daddy!"
I don't think Allan minded going to the top with Logan...

On the way home when the suger icing kicked in, Logan sang a song that he made up himself last week.
"Fire truck, fire truck, big fire truck, FIRE TRUCK!"

Friday at IKEA

Friday after work we headed off to IKEA -my old work place when I was in University. It worked well -we just skipped the bath at night and when we got home just past his normal bedtime, Logan went into his pj and straight to bed. "Dip, dip, dip"
Logan loves his ketchup!
Showing off his hop-scotch skills
"This one" Logan picks out his big boy bed; we didn't have room in the car to buy it on this trip. It's pretty neat though --when he's older, you flip it around and it's a bunk bed on top and a little play area underneath.
Logan picked out a few birthday gifts for his girlfriend, Kayla. He also picked out this ridiculous hat for himself. Luckily we got him to take it off before we got to the cash. We did buy the dog, which he named Barky.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Logan's 2nd Birthday Party

Logan's YGG party was featured over at one of my favorite blogs: Tip Junkie!

Monday, June 21, 2010

2010 Father's Day Weekend

On Friday we went to the music festival... Logan liked all the dancing and joined in

Saturday morning we let Daddy sleep in and then surprised him with gifts...

Thanks to brilliant Jordan Ferney we put together a Super Hero snack-pack for Daddy

In the afternoon we visited Grandpa and gave him one too

Splashing around before swimming in the big pool

(no pictures -Prego Mommy took a nap instead!)

Trying on hats

We went for a walk to see the trucks at a building site but Logan was more interested in the parking lot full of fresh puddles

Feeding the birds
Relaxing with Grandma

Sunday afternoon and we're heading back to the city
Lolo's celebration this year was in the hospital...

The cousins made a little 'club house' in the closet

Lolo getting his picture from Logan

Going for snacks with Lola

BBQ at Lolo Oscars

Philippine bubble tea -yum!
The dads at the BBQ

Happy Fathers Day, Dada!