Thursday, March 29, 2012

Uncle Kyle in Canada

Uncle Kyle came for a very short visit -two nights! Just back to Canada to do some banking and visit with everyone...

 We went out to  an Italian buffet with Allan's family. Here is Logan pretending to be a statute...

 Kali, our chapion eatter!

 The ladies!

Playing picnic with Uncle Kyle
 "Feed me grapes, please!"
 Kali sharing

 Saturday morning we hung out at the airport and dropped Kyle off. Too bad it was very foggy! But the kids liked seeing the planes being loaded up suitcases and the different scenery of the airport.

 "Bye, Uncle Kyle! We will miss you. Next time bring Auntie Thao and cousin Katie too!"

Monday, March 12, 2012

Pizza and Breakdancing

We went to Kiran's 4th birthday. Logan was super excited because it was a pizza party and he has been saying when he grows up he's going to be a chef.
 LOVE the chef hats that all the kids decorated!

 Learning how to make pizza dough!

 Logan gives it a try

 Time for toppings

 After pizza it was time for a break dancing lesson!

 Dance off!

 Logan asked to get his picture taken with the breaker...
Happy 4th Birthday, Kiran!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Bowling and Pudding Worms

Here is Logan drawing out the members of his family for his homework.

He's enjoys doing homework! Fingers crossed this lasts! here is working in his Chrip book he got from Zia Sarah. 

 At the arcade in Niagara Falls

 Worms in chocolate pudding --Logan loved it!

 Ohhhh, Kali!