Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Loggie Goes Downtown

First, let me just brag about Logan's sleep habits....last night he slept 11 hours and 34 minutes straight through! Here is his chart from our Trixie Tracker is sleep, yellow is awake and the time line is at the top. Just for fun, take a look at what Logan's sleeping habits were like at one month old. Big difference. Eight hours of sleep and free time at night is sooo nice. It was worth all the work and reading that went into the 'sleep training'.
Anyway, I made cupcakes again!

Logan and I took the subway downtown to drop them off to my colleagues at CCO and to take Sarah A out for a birthday celebration lunch. Logan had just woken up and was starting to get hungry when we got there so he was very cuddly and drooled on everyone.
((HUGS)) Miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. i did a lot of research for sleep training and i agree, it was worth it! i was never organized before my daughter was born but now i must be to keep things on track. glad it worked for you.

    -kris adair (swap-bot)
