Monday, October 27, 2008

Fight Night and Daycare Woes

This Saturday was UFC Fight Night at our place. Logan had lots of fun hanging out with his cousins and his Auntie Vicki.

We also celebrated Lolo's birthday!

Some say the cupcake trend is coming to an end. My prediction is that 'mini cakes' are on their way up!
And in other news...

Finding daycare in our neighbourhood is more stressful than I anticipated. I'm actually loosing sleep over it. I didn't think that I would be 'one of those mom's' but I am terrified of having to leave Logan at a daycare that I'm not 100% comfortable with.

So far there has only been one place that I would completely trust with Logan's care but they do not have any availability in their infant program and we've been advised to get on the toddler program waiting list! We're dropping off our registration forms and deposit tomorrow and hope we can get into the toddler program for summer 2009.

So the search continues for infant daycare for Logan, which is so much harder to find than toddler daycare. We need a place that is close by as Allan and I commute to work. As well, I'm concerned about how much time the babies are strapped into a high chair or put in a crib rather than crawling and playing around. I think I might even look into home daycare as things are not looking so fabulous...we're ninth on a waiting list for one daycare that has had mixed reviews and two other places we've looked at don't have waiting lists -you just call two months in advance to see if there is space and then it's first-come-first-served. :P

1 comment:

  1. Here's a site that might give you more places to call and evaluate.
