Saturday, May 30, 2009


In the morning Daddy showed Logan our new 'pet' Swiggles. Logan loves to watch him move and pet him. We'll have to get a video up of this because Al is actually really good at making this thing move around....and I have no idea how to explain what it is.

Logan still takes a morning nap most days.

Logan having tacos for lunch and hamming it up for the camera...

In the afternoon we met up with the cousins for rides at Wonderland!

Then for dinner we went to a family BBQ. Logan is very observant and picks up things quick. He saw that people dipped the chips in the salsa and wanted to do the same. We got him his own salsa to avoid the double dipping.

"Ate Mylene, can I please just have one more tiny taste of ice cream?"
Playing Peek-a-Boo with Daddy

The cousins for yet another classic photo shoot on the stairs...
Tomorrow the plan is to go to Edward's gardens and perhaps take some family photos --hopefully the don't end up on this site! LOL


  1. Ahhh I remember when I had a "pet" like Swiggles... Mine was green :)

    Do you go to Wonderland every day or something? Must be fun!

  2. Not everyday but almost every weekend! We're making the most of our season's pass!
