Sunday, July 19, 2009

Logan goes to Collingwood

We had a nice family vacation up in Collingwood. We went Thursday afternoon to Sunday morning. Logan was (surprisingly) very good on the ride there and back. He played with his toys, sang songs and took a nap. Lately he's been wanting to hang out with the dog that Lauren gave him when he was born.
In Collingwood we stay at a friend's condo at a yacht and tennis club. The area has a crazy old park. We only let Logan go down the slide and go on the swing.

Cute picture of Daddy and Logan. And have a look at this park -totally dangerous and outdated but really awesome. They don't make great parks like this anymore! Reminds me of the one they use to have at my grade school before they too many kids broke their arms and they had to take it down....

This was the second year that we all went to Collingwood. And what a difference a year makes! Click here to see a picture of these three a year ago.

The weather wasn't as warm as I had liked it to be. But that didn't stop the kiddos from going to the pool.

Logan absolutely adored this statute. Totally unprompted he kept going up the wolves and giving each of them big kisses all weekend.

At the village in Collingwood.

We took Ky, Caprii and Ate Beth up to the top of the mountain. Here they are looking scared for the camera. What a bunch of jokers!

I didn't think taking a toddler to see some live music when his bed time was approaching to be the best of ideas. However, Logan really liked it. Drew Wright, a Canadian Idol dude was preforming for free in the middle of the village so we stopped to listen. Logan liked dancing to the music and clapping at the end of each song.

The kids and I went for a little walk together....

After our walk we all had beavertails -yum!

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