Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bunch Family True North Party

We took Logan to his first club experience today.
Yes, he's not even two and he's been on the dance floor at the Guvernement.
He is that cool.
We went to a family dance party hosted Bunch with the neat theme True North.
Logan reacted just as we expected --he wanted us to hold him and wanted to check every out first -the main room with the dancing Mountie and Yeti, the backroom with polar bears and glow-in-the dark colouring and the upper "snowstorm" room with snowballs and snowflakes. After about ten minutes, once he got a sense of what was going on, he was having a blast dancing and playing with the other kids.
In the upper room overlooking the dance floor.
Looking at DJ Fase
But soon Logan needs to take a break to dance...

In the main room
Watching the Yeti dance...
Logan would rather be dancing then posing for pictures
Lights in the backroom

Logan's favorite spot to dance was on the stage in front of the DJ

Watching the Mountie tame the Yeti though dancing

You know you're in Canada when there is dancing bacon, donuts and cheese...
What a great time! We hope to catch more of their events...

Happy Birthday, Ate Jessie!

On Friday we went to celebrate Jessie's birthday.
Logan got to show off his new Micheal Jackson shirt we made him. Super Star!

The boys.
Logan barely let go of his Micheal Jackson CD the whole time...
Logan loves playing Ate Caprii

Friday, January 29, 2010

Auntie's Brithday

Sunday was fun with the cousins for Auntie's birthday bash!

Happy Birthday!
Playing with Ki's goop
Caprii reading Logan the book Brown Bear

Saturday, January 23, 2010

African Drums and Phos

Today Mommy, Daddy and Logan went to our first African drum lesson at Extraordinary Beginnings. Logan really liked the drums and dancing. In between learning about the drums, the kids got explore around the studio....

Afterwards we went out for a cheap lunch at our favorite Vietnamese restaurant.
Logan is such a big boy now and had his drink with a straw!

Look at Logan's handsome eyelashes! Daddy calls them "Snuffy eyelashes"...

Logan loves Phos! It's a nice treat for us and a great platform to talk about his Auntie, Uncle and cousin Katie...

Logan's January Collection

After each bath Logan likes to "walk the runway" with a brand new Mommy and Daddy creation. He's shown his modeling talents from a young age (exhibit A and B).

Here is our January 2010 Collection: