Sunday, February 28, 2010

Play Date

We had another 'play date' at our house this Sunday.
Logan has learnt how to romance the girls that come over --make them dinner!

Kayla must be wondering "wow, this boy is working hard to impress me!'

Baby Fei-Ming even came over to play. She is adorable and so cuddly to hold. Logan likes to "read" to her and gently pet her feet.

Talking to Katie

Logan was very happy to see Baby Katie over the web cam...and to show her and Uncle his moonwalk. He even tried to share his breakfast with Katie..."No Logan..Baby Katie likes milk. Oh, good sharing!"

Monday, February 22, 2010

Welcome Katie!

Born February 18, 2010 at 9:20am in Hanoi, Viet Nam
3.48 kg / 7 lbs 11 oz

Playdate with Carrissa

Logan got a hat at the mall so he could dance with it like Micheal Jackson.
Then he went and sat on the stairs so I could take his picture. LOL Carrissa came over for a little play date. It's been a while since we've had some good quality time with her. Logan taught her how to feed Brobee...
Then they fixed a snack together...

Playing cars together. Gosh, Logan looks like such a big BOY here...
Logan gave Carissa her loot bag and gave her big hugs

Logan knows how to impress the ladies...

In other news, Logan climbed out of his crib for the first time. He's been a bit clingy at night, which is a bit strange since he has always slept well and we've never really "sleep trained" him...just cut back milk at night when he was a infant. He's been doing really good big boy stuff -sharing, petting babies, going Potty, eating at the table, talking a lot -so this just seems like a natural stage of going from baby to toddler and just him figuring that out. We're surprised at it but just going with it. Not much you can do really except praise and encourage 'big boy' behaviour and reassure him but don't 'baby him'. So far it's going well!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Birthday at Great Grandmas

We went to see Great Grandma on Family Day to share some birthday cake!

Drum class with Grandma

Logan had his last African drum class so he brought Grandma to show her...

There's so much more to do at drum class than play drums!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Logan's Awesome Yo Gabba Gabba Party!

Logan turned two years old this weekend!
Grandma made an awesome Brobee for Logan.

The treat bags --so simple and so cute!

Plants for those not getting treat bags
The chip bowls made from coffee cans -one for each character.

Brobee's other side!
More snacks!
Gabba drinks
The room decor...
Our yummy homemade cake --DJ Lance Rock's Boom Box!

Pool time!

Lauren is hiding!

Pin the eye on Muno game
There's a party in my tummy! So yummy, so yummy!
All the kids threw bean bags with pictures of food into Brobee to get a prize.

Cake time!

DJ Lance Rock came!
Daddy even learnt how to make balloon animals for the party!

Logan saying bye and giving hugs to his friends
Logan went around and gave everyone their loot bag, said thank you and gave them a hug. I was very proud that he understood what was happening and got joy from giving to other people.

Double kisses!
Lots of hugs for his buddy Brobee
Everyone loved Brobee -even the 'big kids' who came to watch the dunk off that night.

Happy 2nd birthday, Logan!

For his brithday present, Logan got to see YGG Live!

((Please leave a comment if you have any questions on how anything was made))