Sunday, March 28, 2010

Crazy Weekend

We visited the cousins earlier on in the week and Ki gave Logan his sock monkey. Very sweet and a very proud moment to see our nephew be so mature and giving to his little cousin. And Logan adores his monkey -he eats and sleeps with his monkey now. We took Logan to Bass Pro which is a huge "outdoors" store with a massive fish tank and stuffed animals all over the place. Logan liked the fish tank but was scared of the large cat fish.

There were animals all over the store...
And the Easter Bunny was there! No line up either! Logan wouldn't go up the Bunny alone and was a bit afraid of him but at least it wasn't like when he met Santa!
Saturday night Logan was coughing a lot and had a fever. Poor guy woke up around three with snot all down his face and asking for medicine. Sunday he seemed to be coughing non-stop and was breathing like he had asthma --off to our clinic! The clinic is open 12:30 to 3pm on Sundays; right at nap time. By the time the doctor got to us Logan had cried himself to sleep in my arms; which made the check up go smoothly! He could check his chest, his ears, his throat: everything with no problem!
Turns out Logan has an ear and chest infection. After waking up when got home, he went to bed for another two hours. This was him when he woke up--very sick, very hot and very, very sweaty!
When our little guy is sick he asks to cuddle and watch a "Logan Show", AKA home videos. We've recently introduced YouTube to him --now he requests random things he wants to see. Logan's most popular requests: "Micheal Jackson", "Billy Jean", "Beat It", "Snowman", "Duck" and "Baby".
Yup, even when he's sick he super cute. This is like ten minutes after he woke up...

Logan's taking some medicine for his ear infection and fever and has a puffer for his cough/chest. I'm going to stay home Monday with him at home. Hope he is feeling better soon!

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