Friday, May 21, 2010

First of the Season

We made our first trip of the season to Wonderland last weekend. Things in the kiddie area were changed up --it's now Planet Snoopy.
A few new rides to try out...and no line-ups!
New hot air balloon ride.
New car ride with Daddy.
Logan sitting with "White Dog with Cookie". Do kids even know who Snoopy is? Maybe he's trying for a come-back. Good luck with that.
New boat ride - and Logan is big enough to ride!

LOVE this one!
"No hands, no hands!"
On the new revamped carousal --classic!
On the slow train ride...Logan being brave and riding it without holding on. :)


  1. Wow, no hands! Looks like a big boy now. :)

    Personally, I would like to see the Smurfs make a comeback...

  2. Aw! Those are really cute pictures! Hopefully next time you go there, it will be warmer. :-)
