Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

We spent Easter 2011 with Lola, Lolo, Grandma and Grandpa in Niagara Falls!

Making Easter eggs
Step 1: Colour with crayons

Step 2: Drip in coloured water
And presto! Pretty Easter eggs!

Grandpa picked up some pamphlets so he'll be ready for the casino next time!Date night!! We went to see "Man in The Mirror" at Casino NiagaraWe took Logan to Bird Kingdom -he was totally freaked out by the snakes and turtles there.

Only Logan would go over the falls with a B-boy pose

Making a penny souvenir
Easter Egg hunt with Grandma

Allan trying to teach his mom to use email and facebook :D
PJ party! Logan reading his new book

Logan gave out rides!
Bowling on the wii with Grandpa
Playing with Lola --little Easter sponges that expanded with water
It was pretty cold outside so we just did a few drive-bys over the weekend.We walked around Clifton Hill but it was a bit over-whelming for Logan; music, lights, moving wax figures, etc. He liked it way better from the car.

Keeping the kiddos happy on our roadtrip

We decided to head out to Niagara Falls as soon as Allan came home from work. This late night road trip gave us a jump start to our holiday and let us beat the Easter holiday traffic. It also meant that we would still be in the car when both kids are settling into bed.
Bed time favorites (Barkey, Cleo and Blue Blanket) were present and I sat in the backseat to give Kalia her bottle, which was a good novelty for the kids.
A recent post on Parent Hacks reminded me of the awesomeness of glow sticks and that I still had some left over from our Rock Star housewarming party. Logan's been entertained by glow sticks before when he could dance with them so I was interested in how it would work in the car and how he would react now that he is older. I brought them out as it became dusk and showed him how to break and shake them. At first he requested a necklace and then a bracelet. Then I showed him how he could use the connectors himself. We also had great fun turning the flash off the camera and seeing how the pictures would turn out. Great fun for three year old Logan --and three month Kalia seemed to enjoy the light show too!
The glow sticks were still interesting to him to four days later in the sunlight. Logan enjoyed connecting them all together to make giant zeros and circles.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Easter 2011

Happy Easter!
We're off on a mini vacation!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Rainy AND Snowy Weekend

We had both rain AND snow this weekend. Someone needs to send Mother Nature a memo and let her know it's almost May. We kept busy this weekend doing lots of fun things inside.
Making muffins is always fun for Logan. After dance class, Logan helped by counting out the muffin liners and putting them in the tin.

He loves licking the spoon just as much as eating the muffins.
Tip: We use an ice cream scoop to fill the muffins up -great for toddlers and gets the perfect amount in! Logan now knows how to press the button on it himself.

We went to the larger library in the afternoon. Logan found a few books about dancing and even a book on Usher!
Reading the Dance book
Reading a book that Logan picked out called the ABC's of Art -it shows a famous painting for each letter of the alphabet. Logan even recognized a bunch of them from the Little Einstein videos.
We went on a "treasure hunt"; up the elevator to the top floor!
Logan spotted a painting on the wall: "Look, Mommy! It's an art show!!"
Logan's always excited to help out in taking care of his sister.
It wouldn't be a complete weekend without dressing up as MJ and singing and dancing.
Logan's been wanting a headset like Micheal has in some of his concerts. He has a microphone stand and a microphone but no headset! Oh no! He use to hold the microphone at the side of head for these parts. We looked at the toy stores for one and then Allan just took the XBox headset and tied up the cord for Logan --perfect!
Playing with magnets
Snack time!
Doing something a bit different for bath time...
We worked on some Mother's Day crafts. We were watching the show Calillou and we saw him make flowers out of paper and pipe-cleaners. Looked pretty easy in the cartoon so we gave it a try ourselves!
We used foam instead of paper and drew out flower shapes to cut. Logan was having some trouble cutting the shapes so instead I cut a circle and he put snips all around the edges.
Poke a pipe cleaner through and you have a very simple and easy preschooler craft for Mother's Day!
We also decorated a box for Uncle D.
Logan loves stickers and we have a bunch of these, so this was a good craft --plus it actually turned out looking very nice too!
Logan gathered all the books about babies and read them to Kalia and I.
In Logan's swim class they took the boat again to the deep-end.
This time they had the kids get out of the boat and stand at the side. Each one took turns jumping into the deep-end with their life jacket and then floating on their back and kicking. We're so happy that Logan is enjoying his classes and it's such an important skill to know too!
We also met up with Uncle D -to give him the box we decorated and to ask him to be Kalia's Godfather!