Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apples and Bboying

Apple Fest was a big hit last year...and it was a big hit this year as well! 
Tons of free samples this year! Logan really liked the Apple Butter on crackers...and the apples and the apple cider and the apple raisin bread...
Watching cider being made

Catching an apple from a string -hey, no using your hands!


 We were also lucky enough to see a double rainbow outside 

And around the corner we saw the other end of the rainbows too
 We also had a fun day downtown at the Manifesto Festival of Muic and Culture -lots of "urban" music, art and dancing
 Checking out the graffti artists
 There was also a breakdancing floor ---they opened it up to the kids inbetween a battle and Logan was quick to join the older kids (triple his age!) So proud that he felt confident going to dance in front of ALL thouse people! It was a huge circle around the floor, 180 degrees. 

 We went to see Zia Sarah's new condo! So pretty!
 We hosted a family Fight UFC Fight Night at our place....which turned into a glowstick party for the cousins. We discovered that if you have just the right amount of glowsticks attached together -not too many and not too short -you can use them as a skipping rope.
 Cousin C:

 Logan also started up in swim class again -he loves his teacher and is learning to close his eyes and put his whole face in the water while blowing bubbles.

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