Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Logan is Sick

Logan has been sick the past week. It started with a running nose and cough. On Thursday Allan had to pick up him early from daycare because he had a fever -102F. On Sunday a tooth started to break through on his top-right -seven teeth now! And then on Monday Allan had to stay home with him because he had diarrhea. He has been taking really long naps and wants to go to bed early and we thought things were getting better. But today (Wednesday) his diarrhea was back and worse and the daycare asked us not to bring him tomorrow. Poor little Logan. And yet this kid's personality has stayed the same -happy, playful, social and always the life of the party! One would expert him to be miserable and complaining all week but he hasn't been. This part of his personality reminds me of his Grandfather. He certainly isn't taking after his father, who wants me to baby him when he gets the sniffles. LOL

Here are some videos from a few days ago of 11 month old Logan being his crazy self...

Monday, January 19, 2009

Hannah's Baptism

Here is our little goof-ball having some fun in the car.

It was cousin Hannah's Baptism on Sunday. We missed the church ceremony as Logan was napping -normally we would have woken him up but he's just getting over a cold so we though we would give him a break.

Logan loved sitting at the table with Mommy and Daddy like a big boy. He had us feed him some of our Dim Sum with chop sticks.

Logan loves the bling-bling!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I'm 11 Months Old!

I turned 11 months old on Saturday! Logan really isn't a baby anymore. He's more of a little man now. What a great 11 months it has been. He's grown so much!

We went over for dinner at Lolo's and Lola's and got to hang out with some of Logan's crazy cousins. Boy, does he ever love his Ate Jessie! He gave her a HUGE wet kiss when it was time to leave.

Friday, January 16, 2009

A Full Week

Here is a picture of a happy Logan after his first full day at daycare. Allan and I just eat up the little timbits of information from his teacher at the end of the day -he really likes having the other kids around him, he got really happy when he heard the familiar Twinkle Twinkle song, he napped really well on the third day...things that only a parents would care about.
We also had a visit from Grandma and Grandpa!
And it's Grandma's and Grandpa's Birthdays this month so I made this mind-blowing ice cream cake. It looks ho-hum but it is amazing. I just might put DQ out of business...

And here is Logan giving out kisses before bedtime....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Logan woke up very hot yesterday morning -38.5 degrees Celsius (101.3 Fahrenheit). I sent Allan off to work and made a doctor appointment for Logan as I thought it might be an ear infection. The doctor was able to fit us in for 2pm.
He was feeling so bad that he didn't want to play with his toys! He just wanted to lie down in Mommy's lap, complain and watch his Baby Einstein video. Sometimes taking out the camera cheers Logan up. He likes when I take a video and replay it back for him....well, he normally does. Not this day!

After hearing this crying on the phone, Daddy came home at lunch and we took him to the doctor together. She said it's likely the onset of a bad cold and to expect the temperature to last up to a week. She checked to see if it could be teething and Logan bit her. LOL Logan started to get a runny nose in the evening but seemed better. Normally he sleeps through the night but he woke up at 12:30am, 3:30am and 6am. He just wanted his soother and his blanket to be 're-tucked' and then went right back to sleep.

This morning we woke up happy and no fever at all! So after his morning nap I took him to his first 'real' day at daycare. I let his teacher know about yesterday and asked her to call me if he got warm or seemed unsettled. Daddy keeps calling the house to see how I'm doing and my heart stops each time the phone rings!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Period of Adjustment

Yesterday Logan and I went to his daycare. We played there together for a bit and then his teacher suggested I leave for an hour and come back. When I came to collect him she said he screamed and cried when he realized I left the house not just the room . However once he was distracted with juice and some goldfish crackers he was fine -just like his Daddy! He was a bit clingy when I picked him up but seemed okay.

This afternoon we're trying it again. I brought him to daycare around 3pm and his teacher met me at the door. She suggested I just say goodbye there and see what happens. So I said bye and closed the door...and waited. LOL I heard the other girl and the teacher saying hello to Logan and some talking but no crying. I exhaled and went to the car and then it was me who started crying. It was only a few tears and few second -I'm not sad or worried about his well being. I really don't know. . Daddy has even blogged about little Loggie going to daycare.

I found this useful to understand things from Logan's perspective (the whole article is here):
"Developmentally, young children have a hard time with separation because they don’t have a sense of how time works and they don’t yet know the nature of families. For instance, babies and toddlers can only think about the present moment. If you leave, they can’t imagine you coming back, because they are not fully capable of thinking about the future. They also don’t yet know that you are going to be "their people" for the rest of their lives, so they don’t automatically assume that you will always come back...Children need to learn (through experience) that you will come back and that the people who are caring for them are safe, responsive and nurturing"

We're doing these things to help him adjust to daycare:
*We're leaving diapers, wipes etc. there and then packing a daily backpack with comfort items and change of clothing the will smell like home.
*In his bag we've packed his blanket for naps. Transitioning to napping away from home can be hard. We've noticed that Logan clutches his blanket and brings it up just under his nose when he is falling asleep so it will be nice for him to have a blanket that smells like home. And okay, I admit it, I slept with the blanket after I washed it so it would smell like Mommy. I know he's not a puppy but if it might make him feel better, it is worth a try.
*We've packed soothers and given the teacher the okay to use them if it helps. I've been cutting Logan's soother use down and since Wednesday he's only used it for naps. But we're in a 'period of adjustment' and if it will help him, I'm all for it.
*We've packed some Baby Einstein flash cards. Logan's likes to hold these while getting his diaper changed and has been really still the last week while holding these.
*We've left a bib and a sippy cup at daycare that are just like the ones used at home...again, just trying to make things familiar.
*I wrote up a little bit about Logan for the teacher to know what foods he is eating, what words he knows, what his current schedule is, etc. so that she can help him adjust.
*And we're easing into the daycare thing slowly.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Logan sharing his cookie with his turtle friend this morning...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

10 Months: Our Routine

I will be going back to work in less than a week and a half so things are going to drastically change for all of us. I thought now would be a good time to record what a typical day at home for us is. I did a little write up of his routine at 5 months and then his 7 month morning routine before. Here is Logan's day at 10 months and three weeks...

6am: The day starts for Mommy
I get up and shower and blow dry my hair.

6:45:The Day starts for Daddy and Logan
Logan wakes up, Daddy gets him and changes his diaper. I change Logan into his outfit that I picked out the night before.
7am: Breakfast
Breakfast is soo much easier now that he can feed himself. Logan starts off with plain Cheerios, a piece of cheese and his sippy cup with Homo Milk. I make coffee, get Allan's lunch together and make Al and I breakfast. Logan then eats a piece of whole wheat toast while I have my breakfast and then I feed him some yogurt.

Logan's newest 'trick' is sharing.
He likes to share his food and his pacifier with Mommy and Daddy.

After breakfast I put him in his jumper. I have a cup of coffee and watch BT and Logan makes a 'stinky'. Second diaper change of the day!

7:30am: Some Daddy Time

Daddy's downstairs with us. Normally he'll have a bit more time with us but today there is a winter storm and he has to shovel before getting the car out.

We wait downstairs until Daddy is ready to go so that we can give our good bye kisses. Logan really likes standing in his playpen and can now even pull himself up.

8am: Play time!

Dad is now gone and it's upstairs to 'Play Land'. We practice clapping, walking, standing and watch a baby Einstein Video.

If we were going out today now would be the perfect time to leave -he'll either fall asleep in the car or skip his morning nap. Today we're having a storm with freezing rain so we're staying in.

9am: Books and Nap time
Starting to whine...time to get ready for a nap. We don't have a set time for morning nap but he normally lets us know he is ready between 9 and 10am. I give Logan his soother and blanket and we read some board books.Normally after 15 minutes of reading I put him in his crib, turn his mobile on, turn off the lights and walk out. Most of the time he's asleep by the end of the music but sometimes he needs one more winding up of his mobile. It doesn't happen often but today he fell asleep during story time at 9:10.

10:30: Up and Ready to Play.

Logan has a good hour and a half nap. We watch the snow and of course, practice standing up. It seems like that is his favorite thing to do now.
Surprise! Third diaper change of the day! To keep Logan from rolling over and holding still we give him something to hold onto. The current things are his seal bath toy from Grandma and Grandpa and a Baby Einstein flash card with the puppets on it...before this the only thing that would keep him still was holding the Christmas card from Darryl and Nadine that played music. 11:05am: Lunch time!
Milk, some watered down juice, peas, carrots, cheese, Cheerios, three whole wheat gold fish, Homo milk, ground chicken and some banana...

And another diaper change after lunch -this is one more than usual.

12pm Fun in the Snow!

It has stopped snowing and it's pretty warm out; only -2 degrees Celsius! Yippee! I feel like Rocky training in Russia running up and down the street in the snow pulling Logan but he loves it. He then watches me shovel the driveway before we go back inside.

12:45 Back Inside and More Playtime!

We play upstairs and watch the Baby Newton video which is all about shapes. I use the flash cards as we watch the video and try to make it really interactive.

1:20 Nap Time

The routine for nap time in the afternoon is the same as the morning. He lets us know between 1 and 1:45 when he's ready and then we read books and put him in his crib. Today might be the last time I get to snuggle with him and take him into our bed for a nap together. What a treat -for me! I take about a 45 minute nap with him and then just watch him sleep, think about my 'to do list', daydream and feel so lucky to have this moment with him. He wakes up just before 3:30 and we sing songs and play little games in bed.

4pm: Time to Eat Again!

Similar to lunch but instead of banana and cheese he gets yogurt and apple sauce and a half of piece of toast. And, yes, another diaper change.

5pm:Filling Time
Daddy normally come home for around 5:30 but today he won't be home until 630. Logan watches me make dinner and then we dance up a storm until Dad gets home

6:30pm: Family Time

An hour late today but we always try to sit down together each night as a family for dinner. Logan has already eaten but we give him a snack of what ever we are having. He really likes the steamed broccoli.

Here is Logan playing the Filipino game 'Close, Open'.

7pm: Fun with Daddy

Logan and Allan watch some basketball and be silly together.

7:30pm Bedtime

Logan takes a bath and then it's time for bed.

Logan drinks just under two sippy cups of homo milk a day which is around 450 ml. He was taking so little of his bottle and wouldn't drink the formula in a sippy cup so we just switched to homo milk about a month ago. Now at night is the only time he takes a bottle had has formula. Daddy is normally the one that gives Logan his bottle and puts him in his crib.

Logan is sleeping by 8pm and after Allan shovels the driveway yet again we watch a movie together and have banana splits. Yum!

Was this helpful? Please leave a comment and let me know...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Yesterday was a day of fun and play at home.
Here's Logan playing with his new turtle that he got Kiran. He really likes the tool bench Uncle Ron gave him too!

Time to practice walking by holding on to my play set from Lauren!

Logan likes to try and climb up of dresser drawers -not safe! So I moved our Tupperware with our summer clothes out so Logan has something safe to walk around. He's starting to babble a lot now too!

Logan has been taking off his socks from a while now. Yesterday he learned he can take his own pants off! LOL Here he is watching Elijah Wood on Yo Gabba Gabba.

And here is Logan a video of Logan demonstrating how he loves to dive in and out of his 'nest' -he does this over and over again.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Teeth Brushing and Bollywood

Logan LOVES to watch us brush our teeth. He use to just giggle at us but now he is trying to mimic our actions and brush his own teeth -which is great!
Here is Daddy getting him ready for the day!

We spent the evening with Loggie's crazy cousins. He just loves it when he gets to play with them!

This spring Ki is going to be taking basketball classes and Caprii is going to take Bollywood Dance classes. She is so excited and has already started practicing...