Friday, January 14, 2011

Grandparent's Visit

Playing with Playdoh with Grandma and Kalia is never far away.
Making a boat
Lots and lots of kisses for his sister
Logan with his tools getting ready to help Grandpa
"Here's a hammer, Grandpa! Good job!"

"Okay. I'll help you..." Logan's new art display: fish made with mommy, painting from school, and the three baby owls made with Mommy.
We made these Owl babies based on the book and video that Logan loves. And one week after giving birth to Kalia, Mommy is out lawn bowling with Grandpa --and wearing pre-maternity jeans!
Grandpa has always wanted to try it, so we took a class together for his birthday.

We're pretty awesome actually...
Wearing the outfit from Tita Erica

When we bought our house we had no idea that it came with an indoor pool!!! According to Logan , who has taken swimming lessons, our master bedroom tub is a pool and therefore he should wear his bathing suit. He saw some buckets I used to fill up Kalia's baby tub and wanted to play with them --what a joker!

1 comment:

  1. I Love to go to your blog to see new pictures of baby Kalia everday.
    Still waiting for more and more pics^^.

    ps: surprise you already went out for bowlling with dad:D. And love the pic that Kalia is watching everyone playing game:D
