Thursday, March 31, 2011

Logan meets Justin Bieber...sort of

We went to Cousin K's birthday party on the weekend.

As we were taking off our jackets and shoes Logan froze. "What's wrong, Logan?", I asked. "Justin" he whispers. I look into the living room and see Auntie's niece. "Is that Justin Bieber, Logan?" Logan just nods. "Do you want to meet him?" He just nods again. Luckily she was a good sort and posed for a picture with Logan and chatted with him. Logan told "Justin" that he liked his music and has his poster on his closet door. He was super shy and through out the party if he saw her he would just stand there and stare at her from a far. Cake time!
Logan and I built this marble run. Cousin Jacob and Logan played with this for over an hour. It was pretty cool -we'll have to keep an eye out for one of these.

Lots of cuddles for Kalia

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Toddler Pirate

Logan and I were playing with his Little People Pirate Ship so I dug up some halloween costumes for the both us. Logan added the DJ Lance Rock glasses to look more like a pirate. It's been really fun seeing him get into toys and sit for a long time and use his imagination.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Fun with Gram and Gramp

Logan and Kalia had lots of fun with their Grandparents. Here are some of the highlights...

Logan got to use tools with Grandpa Later I said to him: "Oh, this is such a nice wall that Grandpa built."

Logan: "I built that."

Me: "Oh, I thought Grandpa built it"

Logan: "He helped me"

Playing playdoh and looking at pictures of cousin Katie
Showing off his Micheal Jackson moves --he's dancing to Thriller here
Grandma went to Kalia's 2 month doctor appointment where she got her first set of shots. She's 12 lbs now! Lots of cuddle time and a break for mommy who is getting over a horrible cold!

Logan's tattoo parlour
Playing store
Thank you for your visit, Gram and Gramp! We hope you come over again soon! XOXO

Activity #57: Interrupt someone’s work day

I completed another Rookie Mom's Challenge: interrupting someone's work day.

I completed it on Tuesday because I wanted to time it for my departments staff meeting --because if you're going to interrupt one persons day, you might as well interrupt everyone's! This trip was pretty involved too ---I'm in suburbia Markham and this was downtown Toronto. I drove to the subway in North York and then needed to take two subway lines and an endless number of elevators to get there. I timed it really well so that she had her bottle during the meeting. People were very impressed with her loud burps.

After the staff meeting, Kalia and cruised around two different floor saying hello. Here she is spitting up on Liz... And she was so cute, Zia Sarah even offered up her filing cabinet as a change table!

I left the house around 9:30 and was back by 3. A full day but lots of fun!

I did this challenge with Logan when he was a baby a bunchof times too ---see here (love these photos!), here here and here!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

From a walk to an art show

It was finally warm enough on the weekend to bike over to the part for the first time this year. Such a big boy now going on the swing by himself

Grandma and Grandpa came over that afternoon and we got to make art with them!
We picked uprocks, branches and leaves on our walk to the park. We then used them as stamps and paint brushes.
The finished works:
Logan's "art show" --even the paper plates that we had the paint on are art!
Logan picked his two favorite and got to hang them in his room

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Science Centre 2011: trip #7

We went to the Science Centre again. Big surprise. It's become our go-to spot. Since we have the gold membership parking and movies are included too. WE normally go when they open at ten and stay until after lunch. This morning they had a special space session for kids under five in their planetarium --very neat! We went to the moon and back and Logan seemed to enjoy it. A bunch of kids left because they got freaked out of the dark but Logan seemed to "get it" and follow along.
Afterwards we went and had a picnic. "Smile for the camera, Logan!" This is what I got:"Not even a little smile?"
Logan might be three going on thirteen.
Storm chancing
Learning how trains work

Trying to get the rope off...
They did it!
Outside Logan got to meet a real firefighter and got to sit in the truck!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring walk --finally!

Today was the first day that was really nice enough to take Kalia out for a walk around the neighbourhood. Finally spring weather! There is only one little blob of snow left in a shady corner of our backyard. Logan sat by himself at five months. Kalia is far from doing it by herself but loves practicing to stand and sit and has good control of her head. She can sit for a bit if she holds my hand for balance.
I had a really nice day just hanging out with her --emails, cleaning, everything could wait.