Thursday, June 23, 2011

Father's Day with Grandpa

After seeing this banner made a Junk Mail Gems, Logan and I set out to make our own. We even dyed pasta for the first time using this recipe from Fugal Family Fun. And Kalia supervised our progress again...
I attached a pipe-cleaner to the end of the yarn to make a needle but it fell off a few times. Next time I think I'll just use some scotch tape wrapped around the end.
Logan enjoyed this activity a lot -- for a boy this was more interesting than making necklaces. And he even learnt how to use a whole punch!

Our finished project in the guest room for Grandpa!
Gift time! Logan was very excited!

A puzzle made from Popsicle sticks (idea from Impress Your Kids)! We used our glow-in-the dark Modge Podge instead of glue though. :D
Inside Logan had his homemade croissants --with chocolate chips rolled up inside!
Telling Grandpa that the snack container he made GLOWS IN THE DARK!
Perfect for late night snacks!

Kalia also made a special present for Grandpa --but it was in her diaper! LOL ;P

1 comment:

  1. So fun! So glad you guys made the puzzle! Looks like a fun day! :)
