Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fun things to do with glow sticks

The last time we used glow sticks was on a road trip. Micheal's had 16 of them for a dollar, so gave them another go! Logan connected them all together and made a big circle on the floor.
He enjoyed standing on the bed and jumping into rge circle he made.
We saw the Fresh Beat Band dance in glow costumes so we tried making our own. Logan was very excited and it was hard to stay still. I used clear tape to put them on him. I think next time we'll try packing tape or duct tape, as they didn't really stay on.
We went crazy dancing in and danced until they all flew off him
We called Daddy and Kalia up to watch the dance show. Kalia loved it!

Logan break dancingWe took pictures with the flash...
...and without, to see the difference
Logan enjoyed hopping from one circle to the next
I also called out colours and Logan would run and stand it
Logan asked if we could pretend to go camping, so we pulled the play tent out of his closet.
We laid down in the tent and Logan gave me a fabulous "shooting star show"

After we were done playing, we put the glow sticks in the freezer...and brought them back out for bath time!!

In the water before we added soap
We tried taking different pictures in the dark with no flash...holding still
...moving slow...
...and moving fast!
After Logan washed his hair, we added some body wash to the water to make the water more cloudy -the whole bathtub glowed now!

Logan liked swirling the bubbles around and moving the glow sticks underneath to change their colours.

After the bath, I put them back in the freezer and the next night at bath time they were still glowing! And three days after that --still glowing!! Baby Kalia enjoyed the second glow stick bath too but we didn't let her hold any as we didn't want her putting them in her mouth.

Definitely a fun activity for a preschooler and one we'll try again ---especially on a night when Logan doesn't want to take a bath!

Linking up to No Time For Flash Card's 'Link and Learn' and It's Playtime:

Update: We also found that you can use them for skipping ropes! Logan and his cousin did this for over an hour and were counting how many jumps they could do before the rope broke. See here for post.


  1. I certainly need to get our glowsticks out soon. Saving them for 4th of July, but they are a lot of fun on regular days too!

  2. Thanks for sharing your glow stick fun on It's Playtime! I love your pictures. I especially love how the kids played with them in the bath! It looked really cool.

    Rachele @ Messy Kids

  3. Very cool! We've been playing with glowsticks this week as well! I found some in the cupboard that we got at a £1 shop! Didn't know you could put them in the water- very fun idea :-)

  4. I featured you this week on It's Playtime. Don't forget your "featured" button and thanks for playing with us!

  5. Such a great idea! :)

  6. The kids would love playing with glow sticks in the bath! I found this post on pinterest.

    Your newest follower,
    Danielle @ Mama Dani's Musings

  7. I found this on pinterest and immediately was glad I had some glow sticks in the drawer - my son has an aversion to water and we have been working hard to get him in the bath without fear, sitting down is our last hurdle... I gave him a glow stick and told him I would give him another if he sat down - and down he went! We both had a ball playing with them under the water, have put them back in the freezer for next time - Thanks!
