When looking for daycare for our ten month old son we were nervous about finding the right place for him. He was just crawling, everything he encountered went into his mouth and he seemed to thrive on the routine we had established at home. We were thrilled and happily relieved when we met you and found the perfect fit for our son.
Right from the beginning we could tell that our son Logan had found a caring, patient and loving teacher. Logan has thrived in your care; he’s now a 18 month old who ‘sings’ many songs, according to his doctor has above average vocabulary for his age, loves to go to daycare to see his friends and always has a hug and smile for his teacher, Marian.
Under your care Logan has had the flexibility in routine to go from two naps to one, has moved from sitting in a high chair to sitting at a table and has improved his attention span with your structured activities. We find that through his vocabulary and the baby sign language that he learnt from you that he is able to communicate better than other children his age. He was thrilled to perform at the concert you had all the kids perform at and watches the DVD you made of it often. Recently his bean plant from your science activity grew its first bean –he was so proud!
We have highly recommended you to our friends in the area and would be delighted if you were to care for our next child Please do not hesitate to share this as a letter of recommendation to other parents inquiring about Shining Stars Daycare. They are welcome to contact either of us if they would like to speak to a reference.
Thank you again and all the best,
Muriah and Allan
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